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Lia Brozgal

Photo Lia Brozgal
Equipe(s) : GEHM
Laboratoire(s) de rattachement : CRH

Coordonnées professionnelles

Université de Californie (UCLA)
Department of European Languages and Transcultural Studies
Office Royce Hall 222A
Los Angeles, CA 90095

lbrozgal (a) humnet.ucla.edu

Lia Brozgal earned a B.A. in French from Chatham College and a Ph.D. in Romance Languages and Literatures. Before joining the faculty at UCLA in 2008, she was an appointed lecturer in History and Literature at Harvard University. Her research and teaching encompass a variety of topics in Francophone North African literature, culture and history, as well as contemporary France. She is the author of Against Autobiography: Albert Memmi and the Production of Theory (U Nebraska Press, 2013); co-editor of Being Contemporary: French Literature, Culture and Politics Today (Liverpool UP, 2015); co-editor of Ninette of Sin Street (the first English translation of the Tunisian novella Ninette de la rue du Péché by Vitalis Danon); and author of essays on North African literature and cinema, beur cultural productions, chronicles of the Holocaust in North Africa, and Judeo-Maghrebi literature and film.

En savoir plus

Fields of interest

  • France and North Africa;
  • 20th and 21st Century literature, film, memoir;
  • History


  • Ph.D. in Romance Languages and Literatures, Harvard University
  • B.A. in French, Chatham College

Featured Works

Selected Publications


  • “Memmi, romancier, en pratique et en théorie.” In “Jean Amrouche et Albert Memmi: Portraits croisés.” Special issue of Apulée. Ed. Guy Dugas (2021): 386-388.
  • “Seeing Through Race in French Cinema.” L’Esprit Créateur. Special issue: Race and The Aesthetic in French and Francophone Cultures. 59.2 (2019): 12–24.
  • Gros plan sur le 17 octobre 1961: Violence coloniale, cinéma documentaire et le sujet algérien.” In Représentations de le la guerre d’indépendance algérienne. Ed. Maya Boutaghou. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2019. 99-114.
  • “The Ethics and Aesthetics of Restraint. Judeo-Tunisian Narratives of Occupation.” In The Holocaust and North Africa: New Research. Eds. Aomar Boum and Sarah Stein. Stanford UP, 2018. 168-184.
  • “The Critical Pulse of the Contre-enquête: Kamel Daoud on the Maghrebi Novel In French.” Contemporary French and Francophone Studies. Special issue on the Contemporary Maghrebi Novel in French. 20.1 (2016) 37-46.
  • “In the Absence of the Archive (Paris, October 17, 1961).” South Central Review 31.1 (Spring 2014) 34-54.
  • “Are We Post-Francophone Yet? Coming to Terms with Dissatisfaction.” In Francophone Cultures and Geographies of Identity. Eds. Adlai Murdoch and Zuszsanna Fagyal. Cambridge Scholars Press, 2013.
  • “Du jeu dans le texte: nouvelles pistes de lecture.” Littérature et jeu: des enjeux essentiels. Ed. Samir Marzouki. Series: Documents pour l’Histoire des Francophonies 28. Peter Lang, 2013. 81-86.
  • “When Good Sentiments Make for ‘Bad’ Cinema: Reconsidering Allegory in Un été à la Goulette.” Contemporary French and Francophone Studies 17.1 (Winter 2013) 28-37.
  • “La Banlieue to the Moon: Rachid Djaïdani’s Displacement of Paris.” Contemporary French Civilization 35.2 (2011) 87-109.
  • “Blindness, the Visual and Ekphrastic Impulses. Albert Memmi Colors in the Lines.” French Studies: New Ekphrastic Poetics (Special Issue). 64.3 (July 2010) 317-328.
  • “Hostages of Authenticity: Paul Smaïl, Azouz Begag and the Invention of the Beur Author.” French Forum 34.2 (Spring 2009) 113-130.


  • Lewis, Jonathan. The Algerian War in French/Algerian Writing. Literary Sites of Memory. In H-France Review 20.130 (July 2020).
  • Gott, Michael and Thibault Schilt, eds. Cinéma-monde. Decentered Perspectives on Global Filmmaking in French. In Europe Now (Sept. 2019):  https://www.europenowjournal.org/2019/09/09/cinema-monde-decentered-perspectives-on-global-filmmaking-in-french-edited-by-michael-gott-and-thibault-schilt/
  • Donadey, Anne. Approaches to Teaching the Works of Assia Djebar. In Research in African Literatures 50.2  (Summer 2019): 264-265.
  • Memmi, Albert. Tunisie An I Tunisie, An I. Journal tunisien 1955-1956Edited, prefaced, and with notes by Guy Dugas. In H-France Review 18.59 (March 2018).
  • “My Algeria Hurts: A Review Essay of Denis Guénoun’s A Semite: A Memoir of Algeria.” Journal of the Society for Contemporary Thought and the Islamicate World. Online journal, pub date: January 13, 2015.
  • The Desert or The Adventures of Jubaïr el-Mammi by Albert Memmi. Translated from the French by Judith Roumani. CELAAN Review. In production; forthcoming June 2017.
  • Le Partage des mémoires: La guerre d’Algérie en littérature, au cinéma et sur le web by Djemaa Maazouzi, H-France 16.189 (Sept 2016). 3 pgs.
  • Calypso Jews: Jewishness in the Caribbean Literary Imagination by Sarah Phillips Casteel, Contemporary Jewry 36.2 (Oct 2016): 271-273.
  • Remembering French Algeria: Pieds-Noirs, Identity and Exile by Amy Hubbell, French Studies 70.4 (Oct 2016): 625-626.
  • The Allure of the Archive by Arlette Farge, Francosphères 3.1 (2014) 115-116.
  • Postcolonial Francophone Autobiographies: From Africa to the Antilles by Edgard Sankara and Postcolonial Poetics: Genre and Form, edited by Patrick Crowley and Jane Hiddleston, Journal of Postcolonial Writing 48.5 (Dec 2012): 566-568.
  • Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in the Francophone World, edtied by Natalie Debrauwere-Miller, Contemporary French Civilization 35.2 (2011) 181-84.


  • (French-English) Albert Memmi. “Autoportrait” in Souffles: A Critical Anthology from the Moroccan Journal of Culture and Politics. Eds. Olivia Harrison and Teresa Villa-Ignacio. Stanford UP, 2015.
  • (French-English, co-translation with Olivia Harrison) Abraham Serfaty. “Moroccan Jewry and Zionism” in Souffles: A Critical Anthology from the Moroccan Journal of Culture and Politics. Eds. Olivia Harrison and Teresa Villa-Ignacio. Stanford UP, 2015.
  • (French-English) Danielle Bohler. “Frontally and in Profile: The Identifying Gesture of the Late Medieval Author” in The Medieval Author in Medieval French Literature. Ed. Virginie Greene. Palgrave, 2006.
  • (French-English) “Interviews with Seydou Keita and Malick Sidibé.” You Look Beautiful Like That: The Portrait Photographs of Seydou Keita and Malick Sidibé. Michelle Lamunière. Yale UP, 2002.

Courses commonly taught

  • France and Its Others: Race, Ethnicity and Difference in French Cinema (FR 41)
  • Revelations and Revolutions: French-language Autobiography and Self-Representation (FR 166)
  • Being beur in France: littérature et cinéma de la génération beure (FR 121)
  • Le 17 octobre 1961, lorsque la littérature raconte l’histoire (FR 120)
  • Jewish North Africa in Literature and Film (FR 172/Cross listed with Jewish Studies 177)

Honors and Awards

  • American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Fellowship (2015-16)
  • Camargo Foundation Fellowship. Residency in Cassis, France. (Fall 2014)
  • University of California President’s Faculty Fellowship in the Humanities. (2012-2013)

Professional Activities

  • Editorial Board, Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies (2016-2019)
  • Member of Modern Language Association, LLC Francophone Forum (2016-2021)
  • Area Editor, North African Francophone Literature, The Literary Encyclopedia (2012-2014)

flux rss  Actualités

L'historien sur le métier : conversations avec Carlo Ginzburg

Colloque - Vendredi 9 septembre 2022 - 09:00Depuis une cinquantaine d'années (la première édition de I Benedanti remonte à 1966), l'œuvre de Carlo Ginzburg ne cesse de bouleverser le métier de l'historien en lui offrant un nouveau plan d'enquête (la micro-histoire), une série de nouveaux concepts (le paradigme indiciaire entre autres), de nouveaux objets et de nouvelles inquiétudes. Ses enquêtes ont contribué à redistribuer les lignes de partage entre histoire et sciences humaines (anthropol(...)

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"Croire en l'histoire ?"

Table ronde - Samedi 20 novembre 2021 - 10:00Du 18 au 21 novembre se déroule à Marseille la 28è édition des recontres d'Averroès, événement invitant un large public à penser la Méditerranée des deux rives. Avec un thème différent chaque année, quatre tables rondesjalonnent les quatre jours de la manifestation, dont le programme est enrichi de différents formats (tables rondes, concerts, spectacles, lectures) en résonance avec.  le thème.Dans le cadre de l'édition  2021 sur le thème "Croyance(...)

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Autour de l'ouvrage d'Antoine Lilti

Débat - Lundi 3 février 2020 - 14:00Les Lumières sont souvent invoquées dans l’espace public comme un combat contre l’obscurantisme, combat qu’il s’agirait seulement de réactualiser. Des lectures, totalisantes et souvent caricaturales, les associent au culte du Progrès, au libéralisme politique et à un universalisme désincarné.Or, comme le montre ici Antoine Lilti, les Lumières n’ont pas proposé une doctrine philosophique cohérente ou un projet politique commun. En confrontant des auteurs em(...)

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